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It is said that the Ancient Philosophy was never lost but was entrusted to the custody of "Secret Societies" that preserved the "esoteric" knowledge for the future times less "dark" in which man could be "mature" for such "Science". Both as it was at the end of the nineteenth century they leaked or were made known through the writings of Mrs. H.P. Blavatsky, co-founder of the modern Theosophical Movement, the foundations of the "occult" history of the Univers (a ponderous synthesis is found in the book Fountain-Source of Occultism by G. Purucker). A partially different version is found in the writings of R. Steiner, founder of the Anthroposophical Movement (The Occult Science Anthroposophical Editions). Disciple of Steiner, I think I would like to point out M. Scaligero, who has studied in depth the subject of "pure thought" and "pure perception" in his works aimed at providing the man of these times with a method to approach the Spiritual.





Eléna Petróvna von Hahn, in Russian Еле́на Петро́вна Ган, married Blaváckij; Anglicized in Helena Blavatsky, Madame Blavatsky (Dnipro, 12 August 1831 - London, 8 May 1891), was a philosopher, theosophist, occultist essayist and naturalized Russian American medium.
Also known by the initials of his acronym, HPB, he was the co-founder of the Theosophical Society in 1875; as an international theoretical leader of modern theosophy he compiled texts on the promotion of esotericism such as Isis unveiled and The secret doctrine.
Born from an aristocratic family of Russian-German origins in the land of Ukraine, since she was a child she traveled extensively throughout the Russian Empire. Largely self-taught, he developed a strong interest in Western esotericism during adolescence; according to his subsequent declarations, since 1849 he undertook a series of trips around the world, visiting the European continent, the Americas and the Indian subcontinent.
During this period she would have had the opportunity to meet a group of spiritual adepts called the "Masters of ancient wisdom" who invited her to Shigatse in Tibet, where they trained her to develop her innate psychic powers






Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (Murakirály, 25 or 27 February 1861 - Dornach, 30 March 1925) was an Austrian esotericist and theosophist.
He was the founder of anthroposophy, a doctrine of theosophical derivationwhich conceives of universal reality as a constantly evolving spiritual manifestation, which can be observed and understood through "soul observation" (a sort of clairvoyance), and studied , in its unity with the physical world, through the so-called "science of the spirit" or anthroposophy, which he believed to be a real scientific approach to the knowledge of the truth.
Steiner expressed opinions in various fields, such as philosophy, sociology, anthropology, economics and musicology based on his "science of the spirit". Today it is known mainly for Waldorf pedagogy, for alternative medicine (anthroposophic medicine), and for biodynamic agriculture.
Steiner stated that he did not deny the scientific method, which, however, he considered infertile because materialistic and to propose a "more complete" version (including the spiritual world).





Massimo Scaligero, pseudonym of Antonio Massimo Scabelloni (Veroli, 17 September 1906 - Rome, 26 January 1980), was an Italian journalist and esotericist.
A direct disciple of Giovanni Colazza, Scaligero was one of the greatest prosecutors of Rudolf Steiner's ideas in Italy and helped to raise awareness and spread Anthroposophy.
An essential element of Scaliger's contribution to anthroposophy is the constant indication of the "Way of Thought" as the theoretical and practical attitude of personality development which he describes in the work "Techniques of Inner Concentration": 
"Man knows and somehow dominates the world, through thought. The contradiction is that he neither knows nor dominates thought.  Thought remains a mystery to itself. Philosophy and psychology draw nourishment from it, but, since they exist, they do not show that they have grasped the meaning of its movement, the ultimate content of the logical process, of which they benefit from their dialectical structures. They believe that thought is dialectic, coincides with dialectics: it is born and ends as a dialectic. For the purposes of knowledge, external objectivity arises as a system of values ​​in human consciousness, but this ignores the fact of establishing the foundation of that and determining objectivity as a concept, before the dialectical awareness of the concept itself. Logically, man knows what a concept is, but ignores what it is as a force and how it is born and what its power of fulfillment in reality is: that it is more than its dialectical and logical appearance: the very power of life".

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