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We all know the good modern games that run on the sophisticated consoles, I remember of a console soccer game: the player had to choose a "profile" and then gradually train him, let him compete until he becomes a champion. Here is the parallel: We here, on the planet earth, are "profiles" and we try to do everything possible to improve our situation at work, with family and friends etc. apparently we have only one "life", we do not know the rules of the game distinctly but we would like to govern them, adapt them to our liking but , often we realise that unfortunately it does not work so, we are forced to follow some obscure guidelines to which we often try to rebel because we would like to be "free". But, as in the game, it is not the profile that can establish rules nor even understand them so perhaps even here if we do not identify ourselves completely with our "profile", if we were the player, we could perhaps understand this "game" and its rules and, above all , its purpose, perhaps discovering that it can be more "free" than we think, to have, perhaps, more lives if not infinite, and perhaps even ... to change the game! In this sense we can also re-read different information coming from philosophies, religions or simply ancient, "occult" or modern beliefs.



Gregg Braden is an innovative scientist, but also a visionary and a multifaceted and fascinating scholar. Deepak Chopra described it this way: Gregg Braden has the rare and fascinating ability to know how to connect the knowledge of the past with the science of the present and the future in a vision of near peace and global awareness. In his numerous books Gregg Braden ventures beyond the boundaries of science and spirituality, offering meaningful solutions to overcome the challenges of our time.
To date, his work has led him to write books capable of undermining the established paradigms of our contemporary life: the Isaiah Effect, the Code of God, the Lost Science of Prayer, the Divine Matrix, the Time Code and the last Deep Truth, the hidden truth.




Ramtha Lighting School began in 1988 in Snow Montain in Colorado.
The head office of the School then moved to Yelm in the state of Washington, USA.
Ramtha speaks and expresses himself using the JZ Knight body, chosen and prepared by himself to carry out the difficult task of channeling an Ascended Master.
The uniqueness of this Master's teachings have attracted thousands and thousands of students from all over the world to Yelm over the years.
The Lighting School is also expanding to other parts of the Earth thanks to the World Tours started in 1999 when for the first time Ramtha held his "Beginner's Retreat" in Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Scotland and South Africa.
World Tour events then continued each year in other states as well.
The School of Lighting deals with the study of Ramtha's teachings and their practical application in the disciplines designed by himself. The work of this school is called The Great Work.
The teachings of Ramtha prepare the student to understand the mystery of life, to find out what we really are, where we are going and the role we have in this universe. On several occasions Ramtha stressed that his whole message could be summarized in a single statement: "You are God."




The Ho'oponopono (pronounced [ɔʔɔpɔno'pɔːno]) is an ancient Hawaiian practice for reconciliation, inner forgiveness (understood as energy transmutation), the erasure of negative memories and thoughts and conflict resolution. Similar harmonization practices were implemented in the island area of Oceania (in the southern region of the Pacific Ocean), including Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand.
Traditionally, Ho'oponopono is practiced by healer priests (kahuna lapa'au) in the family of a sick person or in the presence of family disharmony. Modern versions of this technique are put into practice in the family by an older family member or by the individual. Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona devised the modern Ho'oponopono formula, individualizing the process and making it available to every single person without the help of the community. Aunty Morrnah has never used the mantra that became known in the West. His trial was based on the use of Ho'oponopono's 12 steps to gradually release every painful memory, clearing the perception of error in negative thoughts, words and actions.
The Ho'oponopono mantra arrived in the West is "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you" and was codified for the first time in the book "Zero Limits" [3] by Joe Vitale and Ihaleakala Hew Len.

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